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Bani Brandolini 

Paul Grazioli Venier 

Silvia Ronchey 

Sebastian e Leopoldina Kruger

Luigi Ficacci e Anna Coliva 

Lucio e Luisa Bonaccorsi 

Edmondo di Robilant

Gaudiana Giusti  

Marta Sala

Bani Brandolini d'A

Patmos Music Festival 2024 is produced by Associazione Patmos Music Festival with valuable support from Patmos Municipality, South Aegean Region and friends in Patmos and around the world.​

Donations up to 999 euros can be made using major credit cards (American Express, Visa, Mastercard), PayPal by clicking on the "donate" button. For higher amounts, it is possible to make a bank transfer.

Associazione Patmos Chamber Music Festival

Piazza del Carmine 2, 27100 Pavia - Italy

Banca Intesa Sanpaolo, Filiale 55000
Piazza Paolo Ferrari 10,
20121 Milano - Italy

Bank Account 1000 / 00196695
IBAN: IT57U0306909606100000196695

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